Not long ago declaired I how winter time had begun for me and how from now on it will be all about christmas and all that. I was wrong. Somehow I still have an eye and appetite for autumny things although I keep telling myself 'come on, girl! Get over it! It's already December!' Could it be because of all the sunshine here in Freiburg? Is it too much for someone who is used to 27 hours of light during December. Yes, 27. And those hours don't yet promise sunshine from a clear blue sky, it just promises that you are able to see where you are going without a flashlight. Okay, that was exaggerated... Finland is not one big forest, although we do have a few trees and lakes.
Back to food. I had some brussels sprouts which I wanted to turn into something edible. I'd had a picture in my head of a brussels sprout quiche and to add a touch of christmas, I through in some cumin seeds as well as nutmeg. Good old orange found it's way to the pre-christmas party too and they all came along very well together!
What's different about this quiche is that it's made with a yeast dough. That means it's lighter and less buttery as the usual one. And for the filling: if you dont't find quark, replace it with 200 ml cream and leave out the milk.
Brussels Sprout Quiche
200 g spelt flour (or normal)
1 teaspoon sugar
10 g fresh yeast
125 ml water
700 g brussels sprouts
olive oil
50 ml water
2 eggs
150 g quark (curd cheese)
75 ml milk
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon orange zest
hint of ground nutmeg
pepper and salt
Mix the yeast, sugar and 125 ml of luke warm water. Add the flour and 1/2 tablespoon salt and knead into an even dough. Set aside for 30 minutes and cover it with a towel. Set oven to 175 °C.
Meanwhile cleanse the brussels sprouts and cut in half. Heat the oil in a pan and cook them first for two minutes and then add water. Add some salt and braise for 5 minutes.
Mix together the eggs, quark, milk and spices.
Butter a quiche form and roll the dough on the bottom and on the sides. Pour the quark mixture on the bottom and set the brussels sprouts on top, round side up.
Bake for 45 minutes and let it stand for 10 minutes before cutting into pieces.
Kaaliruuat on mun makuun, hyviä erilaisia kaalireseptejä sun blogissa:-)
Looks very tasty. Julia, have you had to chance to ask your friend about B&B's in Alsace, or even just across the border in Germany? Having a hard time finding one right now. Need to get the reservations in. Thanks.
brussel sprouts in a quiche...hmmm..interesting
Niinpä onkin, Yaelian! Huomasin itsekin vasta nyt kun sanoit:)
Hi, Susan! I'm sorry I haven't asked yet since I've been in a flu all week. But I sent her an e-mail and hopefully she will answer before Monday! I'll tell you as soon as I know :)
Katie, I thought so too and turned out it was a delicious combination. The brussels sprouts were soft and the orange and cumin seeds gave the whole thing a twist!
Oih! Kuulostaapa ihanalta tämä! Suurena (ruusu)kaalin ystävänä en voi muuta kuin itkeä sitä, että kaupat meni jo kiinni. Höh.
Ketsuppi: Olen myös ihan rakastunut ruusukaaliin....! :)
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